Crystal Creek Meadows is an award-winning romantic getaway on the NSW South Coast with luxury eco-friendly cottage accommodation and spa
Crystal Creek Meadows is a romantic getaway set in the stunning landscape of Kangaroo Valley on the NSW South Coast. We feel that holidays should give you time to pause and slow down, to connect with nature, to reconnect with loved ones, to evoke deep happiness. Sophie and I have created a sumptuous, private retreat with luxury cottage accommodation and everything you need for a weekend escape or a week-long holiday, including great service (we’ve won the Australian Tourism Awards twice). This means we love to personalise your stay and encourage guests to contact us so we suggest the best cottage for your needs and suggest the perfect spa treatments and activities to match. We warmly welcome you to enchanting Kangaroo Valley then give you absolute privacy in your cottage to unwind. If you need us just amble over to our on-site reception with ‘Tour Desk’ advice, top ups for delicious Deluxe Tariff or that extra milk, ask us to set the kid’s tent up, or make that restaurant reservation.

Slow down and sample the good life
We say “there is no use is dashing through your well-earned holiday to end up exhausted, so slow down to sample the good life and the natural abundant luxuries around you”.
Try our spa and wellness treats to change gear or indulge in our own gorgeous aromatherapy spa potions. Taste our heavenly homemade fresh scones and jam or hire the MG for some outdoor fun. Our philosophy is simply to recommend fabulous local companies, tasty treats and activities which make the effort to be eco-friendly, community minded, natural, in short the genuine article that is joyful and original.
Life’s little luxuries!

Looking after our environment
It is good to know your holiday is as positive to Kangaroo Valley as it is relaxing and beautiful for you. Crystal Creek Meadows has sustainable tourism certification and we donate time to share our sustainability knowledge with our community and through My Green Butler with tourism providers around the world and our valued guests.
Download the Responsible Travel & Tourism Policy — Crystal Creek Meadows
Preventing waste
- Do not have waste in the first place, we buy fresh food daily, are mindful of waste when purchasing, and monitor resources daily.
- Rather than pull down the original buildings when we arrived in 2004, we renovated and focused on insulation and the shade provided by deciduous trees. When we have built, it has been from renewable and/or reusable materials sourced from the local area. Our renovations for example reused half the furniture with only 8 items going to landfill. Soft furnishings are handmade in our area. When we do buy we select the best like our ceiling fan (1st Choice Magazine), fibre optic solar lights (Australian innovation) and where possible LED lights to help you help us keep resource use low.
- How you can help: Check with us first before bringing food and bottled water – you will find we have many items already here. It will save you money and give you more space in the car!
- We have a black compost bin (number 2) to help us all dispose of green leafed veggies etc. We use the compost when planting trees to regenerate the land.
- How you can help: Use the compost bin in your cottage.
Food waste
- We have managed to cut landfill big time! One way is by feeding food scraps to the chickens.
- How you can help: Keep your food scraps in the bucket provided and feed the chooks; they’ll love you for it!
- We promote recycling, reused cardboard for mulching and select items with minimal packaging.
- How you can help: Put your waste in the correct bins by the shed
Plastic waste
- We support Kangaroo Valley’s Plastic Bag Free Zone and have a voluntary ban on plastic water bottles.
- How you can help: Refill your water bottles, borrow our shopping bags
Care for country
- Although not a certified organic farm, Crystal Creek Meadows has a minimal chemical use policy. So you will see some weeds in the garden but also butterflies, bees, and birds.
- Our cottages are cleaned with eco-friendly products using native essential oils.
- How you can help: Tell us what interesting insects, birds, and animals you see (we are monitoring the results).
- 60% of our property is devoted to conservation through the rehabilitation of wetlands and perennial streams.
- How you can help: Guests can plant trees on our property from $3.50, it’s a fun activity we share together.
Wildlife & biodiversity
Threatened species
- Through our conservation activities, we have seen bird species grow from just 20 (2004) to over 100 (2017) including the threatened Gang Gang Cockatoo and the Powerful Owl.
- With our guests’ help we support two local wildlife charities by saving resources using the My Green Butler service – the Wombat Protection Society of Australia and the Friends of the Brush-Tailed Rock Wallaby
- How you can help: Use My Green Butler to guide to save resources, 100% of the money we save goes directly to the voluntary local Wisdom Wombat Refuge and Friends of the Brush-Tailed Rock-Wallaby.
- We have been awarded Climate Action Australia Certification – ‘Leader’ grade (holding one of the highest ratings in Australia, and the highest accommodation rating in Australia) for reduction of our carbon emissions.
- Energy and water use is continuously monitored by smart meter technology at each guest cottage to improve efficiency and better advise our guests.
- How you can help: Follow the tips from our My Green Butler service during your stay to save resources and benefit from natural fresh air
- Harvest rainwater at each cottage which is measured weekly.
- Water use is continuously monitored by smart meter technology to better advise guest use.
- Storm water is collected for property irrigation.
- How you can help: Follow My Green Butler tips to save precious water for your fellow travellers
- We have a 5 kW solar farm for guests and buy 100% Accredited Green Energy for top up. We monitor all electricity consumption.
- How you can help: use natural ventilation, use the Green Switch to turn off the standby TV, turn off un-needed lights
- Firewood from environmentally sustainable forests is a magnificent resource, cleaner and more efficient than electricity, and renewable. We monitor firewood usage to help us better advise guests. Visit our firewood plantation which is also a conservation area for wildlife.
- How you can help: read your wood fire guide which explains how to light your romantic cosy fire efficiently to reduce smoke, collect some kindling together as you enjoy a walk on the property.
- We use instant hot water systems so there is no energy wasted in keeping water storage hot, and continuously monitor gas use by smart meters to better advise guests.
- How you can help: take short showers and half fill bath, slip in and top up (bubble baths act as insulation and keep you warm longer… and it’s more fun).
- We buy E10 fuel, select the most appropriate car size for the journey and ride our bikes. We use the train for long journeys.
- How you can help: choose our free rail transfers from Berry or Moss Vale and come by train, it makes the journey part of your holiday. Our bikes are free to borrow.
Community & economy
- Like so many Australians we volunteer for community projects like protecting Hampden Bridge, fundraise to help our schools and for cancer care. We think its Kangaroo Valley’s community that makes this place shine and we love to be part of it.
- 71% of our expenditure is in Kangaroo Valley and 25km radius.
- Combined business and guest expenditure has generated AUS$9.46 million for our local economy (2007-2017).
- We have donated over $65,000 to charity (2007-2017).
- How you can help: Visit the pub or shops, cafes or restaurants and pass the time of day as a local, you will be warmly welcomed.
- You get to hear more birdsong! Our property was devastated land when we found it so we have planted over 3,000 trees and shrub species. So native wildlife and birdlife flourish, with more than 100 bird species in 2018 (up from 20 in 2004), including the threatened Gang Gang Cockatoo and the Powerful Owl.
- You enjoy a happier holiday! Taking responsibility means taking more care about what we offer and how we offer it to you; like making our own aromatherapy products using organic or Australian essential oils so you get to enjoy gorgeous scents with real therapeutic properties.
- You appreciate a healthier holiday! Since applying responsible actions we have cut our CO2 footprint from 50 tonnes (2007) to 17.2 tonnes (2017-18) and reduced our landfill from 9.24 litres per person per night (2006/7) to 2.6 litres (2017-18)
- You can trust us! Our conservation and CO2 footprint claims are independently verified by Hales Douglass (accountant) and the Green Kangaroo carbon calculator.

Award for Excellence in Sustainable Tourism – 2009 & 2013 Winner

Advanced EcoTourism Certification – 2005 onwards

Trip Advisor Green Leader – Platinum – 2016 onwards

Recognition of Excellence – 2017

Climate Action Leader – 2007 onwards

World Responsible Tourism Awards – 2017 Highly Commended
Our story
Our story has always been one of travel. Christopher met Sophie one dark distant night at Cairo Airport – Sophie, a relaxed outgoing backpacker from country NSW and Chris a businessman from London. We lived and brought our children up in Arabia, which gave us a unique glimpse into the exotic world of spices, scents and the warmest hospitality you could imagine. This inspired us to build our cottages and share genuine hospitality that’s about giving rather than soulless commercialism. It never ceases to amaze us the warmth and friendliness of our guests, who share their life stories and help us make their stay as sustainable as possible. It is clear many love this country and wish to protect it.

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